
    Last African Pharaoh of Egypt “Queen Cleopatra,”: Renew Interest In Reconnecting With Africa’s Past


    Netflix has done it again with their latest documentary series “Queen Cleopatra,” executive produced by Hollywood actress Jada Pinkett Smith. The second season of the show explores the life of Cleopatra, who is often considered the world’s most famous, powerful, and misunderstood woman. But this series present a new perspective on the last African Pharaoh of Egypt, highlighting her intellectual prowess rather than solely focusing on her beauty and romantic relationships. Her life and the revelation of her heritage provide critical insight into African history and renew interest in reconnecting with Africa’s past.

    “Queen Cleopatra,” is generating a buzz since it began streaming on May 10. It showcases a new perspective on one of the most iconic African figures in history. The project explores the lives of notable and legendary African female Kings, with each season focusing on a different King. This season features Cleopatra, the last African Pharaoh of Egypt, who has been the subject of much academic debate. The series re-assesses the fascinating part of her story, shedding light on her heritage from a different lens.

    Cleopatra’s life has long been the subject of fascination for many. However, her historical legacy has been framed primarily through the lens of European perspective, which often overlooks her African heritage. This has led to a skewed understanding of who she was, and what she represented for Egypt and Africa as a whole.

    According to a report by Jo Adetunji, While the tombs of many famous historical rulers are still standing – the mausoleum of Augustus, Antony and Cleopatra’s mortal enemy, in Rome, is one example – their contents have often been looted and lost centuries ago.

    But with this documentary film viewers will get the chance to re-assess the story of Cleopatra’s heritage and her significance for African and global history. The show aims to explore her life in a more nuanced, complex way, highlighting all facets of her dynamic personality, including her intellect, political savvy, and leadership and the unfortunate demise of Egypt civilisation after she was defeated by the Romans. Moreover, the show is bringing fresh perspectives to Africa’s past.

    In recent years, many people have called on Africans to take control of their own stories, writing history from an uncensored perspective as a result of centuries of foreign invasion, slavery, colonialism, and war. The world is slowly making space to improve awareness and education about the monumental role that Black women have globally played in the society over the course of history. This series serves as an important step towards rectifying centuries-old inaccurate portrayals of African history, where key figures like Cleopatra may have been misrepresented.

    The first season of the docuseries covers the life of Njinga, the captivating and fearless 17th-century warrior queen of Ndongo and Matamba, in modern-day Angola. As the mother of a young Black woman herself, Smith expressed her passion and excitement for bringing the stories and lessons of these powerful women to light to showcase their strength, leadership, and undeniable influence on history.

    “Queen Cleopatra” is a much-needed breath of fresh air for those looking to learn more about African rich cultural history and the critical role of African female Kings in shaping it. With its emphasis on exploring the stories of these powerful women, the show is a valuable addition to a landscape that has long focused on European perspectives of Africa’s past.

    Cleopatra, who remains an enigmatic figure to this day, has the potential to inspire an entire generation of young girls and women to embrace their intellect, beauty, and power. Through this series, viewers can learn not just about Cleopatra’s life, but also about herself as a part of African history.

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