
    Will Smith with a box office of over $9 billion, established himself as the King of Hollywood


    Will Smith is one of Hollywood’s most recognizable names. From his music career with DJ Jazzy Jeff in the ’80s, to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sitcom to his more recent blockbuster films, Smith has gone from strength to strength and achieved a level of success few actors can rival. With an incredible box office total of over $9 billion, he has earned himself the title of “King of Hollywood”, and was even named by Newsweek as “the most powerful actor in Hollywood.” His impressive list of accolades includes being the first actor to have eight consecutive films grossing over $100 million and becoming one of the highest-paid movie stars in history. But how did he get there? Let’s take a look at how Will Smith got to where he is today.

    The Roles He Chose
    Smith’s rise to fame can be attributed largely to the roles he chose throughout his career. While many Black actors are pigeonholed into playing only race-specific roles, Smith sought out characters that could speak to any audience regardless of race or ethnicity. Many of his movies feature him playing men faced with obstacles and moral choices, making it easy for all viewers—not just those who are African American—to relate to him onscreen. As Amy Pascal, Chairman of Columbia Pictures (which has released most of Smith’s films) puts it: “Will doesn’t do movies because he ‘should,’ but because they speak to him…He understands that these stories are global.”

    His Proven Track Record
    Of course, it wasn’t just about finding good stories; Smith also knew when it was time to pick up the pace and start making some serious money. Because an actor’s power is determined primarily by opening-weekend grosses (how much money they make in their first weekend), Smith decided early on that this was something he needed to focus on if he wanted long-term success in Hollywood. The Guinness World Record holder took on challenging roles like Bad Boys and Men In Black, which marked his foray into blockbuster stardom. This strategy paid off big time; since then Smith has become one of the biggest names in Hollywood and continues to dominate box office records year after year.

    Will Smith’s journey from rap artiste turned actor to King Of Hollywood is truly remarkable. His ability—and willingness—to take risks combined with his drive for success has led him far beyond what anyone imagined possible for him when he first burst onto our screens back in 1998 with Men In Black. He has proven himself among the African Giants making significant impact in the world.

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